Hi, I’m Stephanie…partner, mother, daughter, sister, friend, full-spectrum doula, hand holder, and transition guide. I believe that there’s richness in living life’s most pivotal moments through a holistic approach that creates space for us to honor these seasons in a way that cultivates understanding and growth.

Change is inevitable, and often complex. My intention is to help you live fully into life’s transitions by guiding and supporting your efforts to claim and embrace their beauty and messiness, and turning “this or that” into “both, and.”

Through highly individualized coaching sessions and hands-on doula support, I help individuals and couples artfully and holistically navigate life’s most tender and sacred seasons. I also offer workshops and support groups to help cultivate the supportive communities that are necessary for us to thrive.

My journey to you began with my journey to myself. Learning who I was through joy, grief, and everything in between, gifted me with the depth and breadth of perspective and experience required to serve you beautifully. And, the experience of supporting more than 100 people in pregnancy and childbirth education, birth, support circles, and retreats—and learning from their experiences—has taught me that shared experience is a bridge to connection and healing. I am here to help you build your bridge.


B. A., Psychology

M.Ed., Human Behavior

Doula Certifications: Contemporary Doula International and The Matrona

Pregnancy and Childbirth Education Certification: Sacred Pregnancy

40+ years of dynamic lived experience

Enneagram: 2

Myers-Briggs: INFP

Human Design: Projector